Bell Bird ATM
Role: Ideation, UX, UI, Visual
User Journey:
- Needs cash
- Downloads app
- Opens app
- Registers account
- Links bank account
- Finds closest ATM using location map feature
- Gets directions to location
- App pairs to ATM by sending encrypted data key over ultrasonic audio
- Choose cash withdrawal amount
- Receives cash
- Disconnects from ATM
User flow:
Birds encode data with every chirp. Let’s encode data in audio.
Paying homage to the loudest bird, the White Bellbird. The device will rely on a universal technology, data-over-sound.
The ATM and app interface strays from a sterile computer look. It brings nature into the design to make it more approachable, trusting and inviting. It relies on simple audio indicators and visual lighting to convey connection.
The simple design will cut costs, increase security and allow external device interactions.

Chris needs cash. He downloads and launches app. He is required to use TouchID for security
During his initial account registration he linked his bank account to pull money from
TouchID makes him feel safe and secure. It is simple and fast to use after an easy initial account setup
The map shows the closest ATM locations
He taps the most convenient location and navigation directions are loaded into a map he is familiar with

A pairing screen appears when his phone’s GPS location is 10 feet proximity to the ATM
He approves the connection making him feel secure that only his phone is connected to it
The the app "sings" a new encrypted ultrasonic audio wave with the login data information for the ATM to read and connect to
The ATM plays a bird chirp followed by one from the app while connecting so he knows when it is connected
The top of ATM blinks while connecting and remains visually lit while paired
Chris can choose between preset values or input custom amount
Algorithms can show top three most used values based on previous actions
Chris can choose denominations in advanced withdrawal menu

His cash is dispensed, slot glows to show money is there
App disconnects from ATM, top acrylic light turns off so he knows he is no longer paired with the ATM
The ATM machine clamps down on the withdrawn cash when dispensed. An alert is sent through the app if they leave a 5 foot radius of the ATM without the cash. If a 10 foot radius is left, the ATM retracts the money and gives credit back to the account.
External Connection
His cash is dispensed, slot glows to show money is there
App disconnects from ATM, top acrylic light turns off so he knows he is no longer paired with the ATM
The ATM machine clamps down on the withdrawn cash when dispensed. An alert is sent through the app if they leave a 5 foot radius of the ATM without the cash. If a 10 foot radius is left, the ATM retracts the money and gives credit back to the account.
Advantages of data-over-sound
- Works offline
- Utilize existing hardware (microphone and speaker).
- Supports range of platforms
- Seamless integration through software development kits
- Scalable
- Works in extreme environments like busy streets to secure military bases
Increase Security
Data is encrypted and hidden within a sound wave.
When a 10 foot radius is left the ATM pushes recent transaction to blockchain to be stored forever
The ATM is unable to be damaged physically because there are no exposed screens
Use timestamps in the header and include tokens, SDKs can be embedded in the chipset
Debit cards can not get lost in mail or stolen in transit
Acoustic connection doesn’t require an internet connection and supports industry-standard cryptography
Cut Costs
Using a phone will cut costs on debit cards needing to be printed and shipped
ATM not having keyboard will cut cost of production, repairs and maintenance
Cuts time the bank needs to send cards
Public health costs decrease as a result of not having a publically used keyboard
Uses SDKs to save programming time